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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Like falling

"abah dah takde"

Aku baca wassap Angah dengan debaran di dada. Suara suami ku tenggelam dalam kesunyian yang memerangkap kepala. Duniaku gelap. Senyuman ku ukir terus padam. Tangan ku bergetar menekan nama angah di telefon.
Ku harap ianya sebuah gurauan kasar. Bayangan abah bersweater putih di cameron highland semalam terlayar. Raut wajah abah serius. Tak seperti selalu. Suara abah tidak kedengaran.
"Hello angah. Abah kenapa?"
"Abah dah takde. Ni abah dah terbaring, ak tak tahu nak call sape..."
Suara angah bergetar. Telinga aku cuma menangkap hingga ke ayat itu. Selainnya tiada satu pun masuk ke kepala. Aku rasa sesal. Aku sudah ada gerak hati. Tapi.....

Kenapa? Kenapa ak terus balik tidak singgah di hospital cameron highlands? Kenapa hari itu hujan? Kenapa ak tak sedar abah dah tak larat bersuara pun. Kenapa ak tak perasan abah tak berseloroh seperti selalu? Kenapa hari ini? Kenapa ketika aku di kejauhan?
Air mataku gugur.
"kenapa sayang?"
Suamiku bertanya.
"abah dah takde abang..."
Semacam ayat drama. Tapi sedihnya ini realiti pahit yang harus aku telan. Sememangnya abah dah pergi hari ini. Di kala anaknya ini tak sempat bersalam dengannya, di ketika cucunya tak sempat berpelukan dengannya, di saat menantu manjanya tak sempat mengurutnya seperti selalu selalu.
"abang... Kalau kte tahu... Kte tak terus balik semalam.... Kte patut singgah hospital."
Ak menangis lagi.
Suamiku memelukku erat2. Selepasnya kami membungkus semua baju2 dan bergerak ke rumah mak. Kemudian berkonvoi ke kuantan.
Sepanjang perjalanan 4 jam itu, abah diuruskan, dimandikan, dikafankan, dan kemudian dikebumikan. Aku sampai tatkala segalanya telah selesai. Segalanya. Yang ada cuma sebuah kubur tanpa tanda.
Yassin kubaca. Airmata kering. Tak mahu mengalir. Anak-anak ku pandangbpolos. Tidak mengerti apa-apa. Yang di dalam rahimku... Lagilah tak tahu langsung tentang atuknya. Mukanya, suaranya, lawak2nya, teka tekinya....

Ya Allah, ampunilah dosa abahku. Lapangkan dan terangkanlah kuburnya. Kasihanilah dia sebagaimana dia telah mengasihani aku ketika kecil. Jasanya membesarkanku tak dapat aku balas. Hanya doa yang dapat aku kirim. Moga engkau yang Maha Menyayangi hamba hambanya mengira doaku ini sebagai doa anak yang soleh untul ibu bapanya. Walau sesungguhnya aku tahu, aku banyak berdosa. Perkenankanlah ya Allah. Amin.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Unexpected Turbulence of Emotion


I think this is my first pregnancy without having my car... I miss my car so much but for the time being I need to send him for adoption. Huuuu

So, usually I'm as emotional as ever when I'm pregnant. Well, especially when I am. Emotional means, I could be hot tempered person without any concern about others, I can be as strong headed as I could be, I could be someone who talk bad... So bad. Sometime... Someone who jealous of every women near my husbang. LOL. Like everyone, including his mother. Hohoho.

This time, well... I think I've become a very sentimental person. Hypersensitive and hoping too much on others. I'm desperately praying it's the hormones fault. Org slalu kata pembawakan budak. Oh no.. Please nooooo.
I pray he's an independent, reliable, charismatic, soft hearted but mentally strong... Moga2, amin.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Pregnancy ke 5

Damage has been done.

It's wasn't a planned one. Yes, it was not. It is a truth which I don't want to hide. Other people can say whatever they want wether it's good or bad. However reality won't be part of their responsibility of what so ever.

Having a child is not all fun and joy. If you don't plan it well enough, it might be misery all the way through. May it be emotion, financial, time, you always need a plan. Well, even if it's your first one. Mind you, this is not my first. It's my fifth.

The first trimester was a mess. A really huge one. I blamed everything on myself and my husband. How could we have another child when 3 others are barely well fed. We struggle to fund their school and nursery. We struggle to buy diapers and milk. Do we really want to end up being a poor urban?

All the negative thoughts were playing over and over again. Reminding me of the hard times I had when I was growing up. No money to buy books. No money to buy new clothes for school. No money for raya. No money for food.
Eating only egg and rice. Sometimes can of sardines. I was hard for me. But I knew it was even harder for my parents.

The first trimester passed with only the determination that I need to keep this baby. Maybe I can't give the baby the best clothes, toys and food, but I'm sure enough the baby would be juast as thankful knowing mommy want to see him live.

I keep praying. Asking Allah to show me and make me understand this gift.
"manusia mmg sgt suka bila Allah beri rezeki duit dan harta... Tp manusia ni pelik.. Bila diberi rezeki anak ramai, dia tak nak. Padahal anak tu manusia tak boleh cipta. Hanya Allah yg boleh meniupkan roh"

It's struck me one day. The baby is special. It's rezki dari arah tak disangka-sangka. Maybe it's a wish come true. A child that always remember to make doa for the parent. I cried. I said, I love this baby. I love all of my children. So, nikmat Allah yg mana yg hendak aku dustakan?

May Allah keep you strong. In ummi's tummy and outside. I'll always pray that you'll have a great life once you are born. Be a good person. Someone eho knows Allah and knows Allah is always there. I'll pray for all the best for you in future. Know that, ummi love you.

To my dear parents. Yes, growing up not having enough money is hard. Even now it's still hard. But I'm thankful that both of did not given up in raising me,schooling me, feeding me, clothes me, take care of me, listening to me and try hard to fulfill all my needs. I love you for all that.
